Since 1995, our company has started the production of Whipped Dairy, which was produced for the first time in Turkey in a professional structure. Completing its investment in September 2012, the company moved to its new modern facility in the Izmir-Ayrancılar region in a 3000 m2 closed area that is still used today. We are proud to provide our customers with the advantages of domestic products, and with our UHT cooking and sugared whipped creams, we are very much pleased of being the first in Turkey. Quickly introducing our products in foreign markets and achieving success is our the most nearby goal. In our high-tech production facility, the entire production line is checked by food engineers, ISO, HACCP, and BRC rules are meticulously implemented, and all our work is supported by a strong R&D structure. As Mix Gıda, our purpose is to produce high-quality and tasty products under hygienic conditions by prioritizing human health and offering these products to our customers within a rank of competitive prices. Our Mission We aim to be your solution partner as an innovative, competitive, and energetic company that can adapt to the rapidly growing structure of the sector, and as a company that has adopted the principle of continuity and can maintain this feature in the sales and after-sales service stages. Our Vision In today's conditions, it is very important to respond to the searches of businesses that want to offer standard taste, service, and quality. As Mix Gıda, our biggest goal is to be a company that follows the market needs for the products we produce and meets the sector's needs with the most accurate products in the domestic and international markets with the principle of continuous improvement in this direction.